My name is Per Simonsson and I am a co-owner and CEO of the newly started company Hestia Agora. Since 2018, I have worked in various ways both in Sweden and internationally with one of our major public diseases among the elderly, namely malnutrition. Malnutrition is costly, it creates great suffering for the elderly and often also for the relatives.
Malnutrition also requires major efforts in municipal care for the elderly and leads to longer hospital stays. It is thus a large, complex and extensive problem. Yet there are no numbers.

What does this cost municipalities and regions and how much money and resources could be freed up by implementing preventive measures that reduce malnutrition? During my work in the Zero vision for malnutrition in the elderly, I discovered that there were gaps in knowledge about how the quality of life of the elderly and their relatives is affected by malnutrition and how the perceived quality of life could be increased by working preventively with more interprofessional teamwork.
This became my driving force to start Hestia Agora. We must be able to count. Calculate how we use resources in the most efficient way to give the elderly an increased quality of life by working in prevention. Early identification of malnutrition, fall risk, loneliness and other problems in the elderly that can be prevented. To work preventively with the help of interprofessional teams and to find ways to measure how the elderly’s quality of life is improved with preventive measures.

Progress in Elderly Care
Hestia Agora started by conducting webinars together with the Zero Vision for malnutrition in the elderly in 2021 and 2022 as well as consulting assignments in management and strategy.
Since 2023, we have focused entirely on designing and developing digital tools that facilitate early identification of malnutrition, measurement of quality of life and calculation of how much preventive efforts can reduce costs and increase quality of life in the elderly.
Design and development is based partly on dialogue with municipalities and research, partly through own experiences from work in home care.
During 2024 we will start with lectures on eating the right way in old age, based on the Swedish Food Agency's recommendations, which together with our products will be a powerful tool for increased preventive efforts in elderly care.

- Medeon Science Park 20512, Malmö, Sverige
- +46 (0) 709 514 034
- servicedesk@hestiaagora.com
Copyright © 2024 Hestia Agora